Wildlife officers are continuing the search for an estimated two-metre-long crocodile in the Inskip Point area near Rainbow Beach.
There have been four more sightings reported to the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation, including a video of the animal swimming close to the beach near the barge landing area.
The crocodile was first spotted by a ranger on the beach in front of the Sarawak camping area on Monday.
Senior wildlife officer Joshua Morris said wildlife officers conducted land-based searches on Monday and Tuesday and used a drone, however they couldn’t find the croc with poor weather conditions hampering their search.

“Wildlife officers will conduct further land and water-based searches today, including an intensive vessel-based spotlight search tonight,” Mr Morris said.
“We believe this is the same crocodile that was recently seen in the Bundaberg region last month.
“We thank the people who provided the sighting reports and urge anyone who sees what they believe to be a crocodile to make a sighting report as soon as possible.
“Fishers and people on the beach are an extra set of eyes in the search for this crocodile.
“Rangers have installed crocodile warning signs at key locations and will continue to provide advice to people in camping areas in the Inskip Point region.
“This crocodile has fled into the water at the sight of people and has so far avoided crowded beaches, but we still need people to be vigilant around the water.
“Make considered choices when it comes to swimming and use a barrier such as an esky when fishing from the beach.
“We believe the crocodile might head back north to its habitat when weather conditions improve, but if it stays in the southeast Queensland region, it will be removed from the wild,” MR Morris said.
Crocodile sightings can be reported by using the QWildlife app, completing a crocodile sighting report on the DETSI website, or by calling 1300 130 372.
The department investigates every crocodile sighting report received.