Can You Sleep on a Flight?

So some people feel differently about sleeping on a plane, be it they don’t want to sleep in front of a large group of people, or they just can’t seem to get comfortable. Others, however, have no problem catching some Z’s on a flight. Which category do you fall under?
There are a few factors that can contribute to your ability (or inability) to sleep on a plane. One of the main ones is your seating position. If you’re in a window seat, you may have something to lean against for support and privacy. Meanwhile, those in middle or aisle seats may feel more exposed and uncomfortable.
Another factor is the duration of your flight. Shorter flights may not give you enough time to truly relax and drift off into dreamland, while longer flights allow for more opportunity to catch some shut-eye.
Ash on the other hand, has no problem catching a few Z’s and our digital guy was there to capture the snorefest!