Watch Now – Al’s Hobby Hunt

Nugget is worried that Al doesn’t have a hobby so the boys set out to try to find him one.
First, it was sink or swim for Al at Aqua Aerobics held by the Cotton Tree Aquatic Centre, Al’s not strong in the water, and Nugget isn’t great at reading Al’s expressions, so that ended.. poorly.
Next, we had a visit from the super-talented music teacher Nelson Oakly who attempted to teach Al the Trumpet. Learning to play an instrument can help keep the brain active and engaged. It can improve memory, problem-solving skills, and cognitive function, which is especially important as we age. Unfortunately for Al, years on the radio means he might be better suited to playing other people’s music rather than his own.
Maybe a sport would be a better hobby for our old mate, and what better sport to jump on than the fresh new craze of Pickleball?
Pickleball is a fast-paced paddle sport combining elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, played on a smaller court with a perforated plastic ball.
Turns out you need some good hand/eye coordination to succeed and Nugget had a far better time of it.
Next Al had a go at Pilates.. he thought it was “Pie and Lattes” and struggled a bit with the squeezing around his tummy.
So it was down to Bird watching as a final attempt…
Oh well, at least he found a hobby.